Android Application Development

Android Application Development

Android market is booming and so is the android application development. As the Android enjoys the highest market share of the smart phone OS in India, many firms want to be visible on the android platform and android apps is the only way to ensure that. Apps have become the new buzz word today and users lap up an app if its purposeful and entertaining. Your company or website may require an android application if you wish to target more and more mobile phone users. Especially for e-commerce websites which sell products or services, android application is an effective mean to engage consumers who invariably use internet on their smartphones and tablets.

Advantages of Android application

  • Easy accessibility to the website through the application.
  • Engages higher number of consumers.
  • Created fast as Android provides various APIs.

Specialties of Android Application Development of Magnatic Bytes

Android application development needs expert programming skills of Java and Android and Magnatic Bytes has a talent pool of JAVA and android programmers which ensure that your android application has everything what it takes to be on the top. We work closely with our clients and understand the requirement very clearly before starting off with the project. We encourage our clients to overlook every stage of developments so that there is no discrepancy in the actual application. We also make these android applications SEO friendly by adding keywords in the meta tags of XML files of the application. We have been developing some of the most downloaded android apps for our clients which have benefited their businesses in a great way.

Android Apps services that we specialize in:

  • Tailor-made Android application development
  • Android Games
  • Wi-Fi and GPS based Android apps
  • Maintenance and update of Android app
  • E- Commerce android applications
  • Educational android applications
  • News and Info Applications
  • Financial and Commerce related android applications